Moving Consumer Culture Toward Greater Environmental Sustainability

2:30 - 3:20 p.m., Wednesday, September 27, 2023
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Americans love their goods and services fast, cheap, and convenient: fast fashion, fast food, fast groceries all appear at our doors at the touch of a screen, and still our consumer desire persists. Successful businesses navigate this fast and accelerating pace to keep their customers happy and their businesses afloat. But these behaviors have unintentional costs. Damage to the environment, exploitation of workers, and strain on global transportation all complicate the work of consumer businesses. The roles of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental, Social, and Governance Strategies are increasingly important as companies try to protect their profits, as well as consumers and the planet. How can companies build better sustainable strategies and weather dramatic changes to thrive in the long term? How can inter- and intracultural changes, even from the most basic levels of decision-making, benefit the financial and social performance of businesses? What shifts in consumer culture can lead to greater environmental and economic sustainability?

Host: Dr. Hassan Raza    Q&A Moderator: Saki Urushidani


Environmental Educator and Founder Isaias Hernandez

Isaias Hernandez

Environmental Educator and Founder
Queer Brown Vegan

Market Development & Sustainability Coordinator Ashley Krug

Ashley Krug

Market Development & Sustainability Coordinator
City of Springfield

Gomo Family Professor, Associate Dean for Teaching and Learn Inara Scott

Inara Scott

Gomo Family Professor, Associate Dean for Teaching and Learn
Oregon State University

Associate Professor Dara Wald

Dara Wald

Associate Professor
Texas A&M University