Brian Dotts

Professor of Educational Foundations
University of Georgia

Brian Dotts, PhD, is a professor of educational foundations at the University of Georgia. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in educational foundations related to politics, policy, constitutional law, history, historical inquiry and research methods, philosophy and multiculturalism.

He has published peer-reviewed papers and books in the history of American education, specifically on educational and political theories during the American revolution and early national period, common school politics during the antebellum era, John Dewey and social reconstructionism, the school privatization movement and educational foundations as an academic field of study. Dotts is the author of “The Political Education of Democratus: Negotiating Civic Virtue during the Early Republic” and “Educational Foundations: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives.” He’s also a co-editor and contributor to “The Elusive Thomas Jefferson: The Man Behind the Myths.”