3:30 - 4:20 p.m., Thursday, October 1, 2020
virtual session
Self-Talk: Why It Matters
Self-talk is the inner voice that helps people shape who they are. According to Psychology Today, self-talk can be positively motivating or negatively defeating. Some psychologists agree that 95% of our emotions are determined by the things we think and the words we say to ourselves. Eliminating negative self-talk can help a person become more confident, motivated and productive. How does a person’s environment or upbringing influence and shape self-talk? How does negative talk influence academic achievement in students of all levels? How can individuals change the narrative of their self-talk to find inner peace and better connection with others? What power do we give others to influence how we communicate with ourselves? How can one distinguish between negative self-talk and the necessity of facing difficult topics?
Panel Moderator: Brooke Burton, Graduate Student, MSU College of Health and Human Services
Panel Producer: Devin Schehrer, MSU Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services
- Live closed captioning is provided.
Christie Brungardt
Jana's Campaign
Latricia Buckner
Founder and CEO
Love's Basics, Inc.
Liv Dooley
The Colorfully Candid Paradigm
Mark Kleinschmit
Other Half Processing