Ways to Vote

voting checklist

Prepare before you vote

  • Ensure that you are registered in the county where you plan to vote
    • Check here if you are currently registered to vote in Missouri
    • If registered outside of Missouri, you can check your registration here
  • Determine which of the Missouri valid ID options you have available to use.
  • View a sample ballot at your county clerk’s office.
  • Check out nonpartisan political information about candidates, elected officials and ballot issues. 

Options for Voting in Missouri

In-Person Voting on Election Day                     
If registered in Springfield/Greene County voters can vote at the MSU Welcome Center or the location designated on their voter ID card.  
Absentee Voting by Mail                                    
For voters that will not be present in the county they are registered in, an absentee ballot can be requested from their local election authority.  The return ballot envelope must be notorized.
In-Person Absentee Voting before Election Day   
Beginning six weeks PRIOR TO any election, registered Missouri voters can vote “in-person absentee” in the county where they are officially registered to vote.

In-Person Voting on Election Day

Polls are open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Voters registered in Greene County, MO can vote at any Central Polling location in Springfield, such as Missouri State University's Davis-Harrington Welcome Center OR at the polling location noted on your Voter ID card.

Find your Missouri voting location

Absentee Voting

This option is available for those who cannot vote in-person on Election Day in the county where registered.  Start the process early as there are deadlines to request your absentee ballot.  The returning ballot envelope will need to be notarized before sending.  It is illegial for a notary to charge for notarizing an absentee ballot envelope.  

List of valid Missouri reasons to vote absentee and Steps to follow

List of free Missouri State University's notary services. 

In-Person Absentee Voting before Election Day

If you visit your home county where you are registered to vote within six weeks prior to an election, you may cast your ballot in-person at that County Clerk's Office or election authority. 

Check the available voting hours and take a valid form of voting ID.  


Email PawsToThePolls@MissouriState.edu or visti us in Strong Hall room 472 or Office of Public Affairs Support located in the Plaster Student Union (PSU) room 131.