Are all leaders created equal? The individual's journey to ethical leadership

3:00 - 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, April 15, 2015
PSU Ballroom East

Some ethical leaders walk ahead of the pack, distinguished by their position on the path and by the big questions they bear. Perhaps, however, all individuals walk that same wide path, daily engaging ethical questions that call them to their best selves. In boundaries between self and other, in difficult life transitions, in appreciation of nature, in searching for a voice…how does a middle-of-the-pack individual achieve ethical leadership? How do individuals evolve to become leaders?


Professor of Humanities,  Kaplan University Russell Fail

Russell Fail

Professor of Humanities, Kaplan University
Kaplan University

Film producer Sean McEwen

Sean McEwen

Film producer

Assistant Professor, Georgia State University Angela Snyder

Angela Snyder

Assistant Professor, Georgia State University
Georgia State University

Executive Vice President, Lancaster Bible College John Zeswitz

John Zeswitz

Executive Vice President, Lancaster Bible College
Lancaster Bible College