Medical miracles: New treatments, old questions

9:00 - 10:15 a.m., Friday, April 17, 2015
PSU Ballroom East

Human embryonic stems cells can potentially cure Alzheimer’s and blindness. GenePeeks analyzes potential sperm donors who pose “high risk for genetic complications.” Yet concurrent with these breakthroughs, the recent outbreak of Ebola has brought to the forefront a host of age-old ethical dilemmas, from issues of who should have access to treatment to the rights of the infected. How are such decisions to be made and by whom? Are these decisions to be left to the purview of the medical community? If not, what is an appropriate role for citizens and governments? 


Long Term Care Administrator,  Saint Joseph College Philip DuBois

Philip DuBois

Long Term Care Administrator, Saint Joseph College
Saint Joseph College

Associate Professor,  Baylor College of Medicine Sarah Elsea

Sarah Elsea

Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine

Chair and Professor of Educational Studies Gowri Parameswaran

Gowri Parameswaran

Chair and Professor of Educational Studies
State University of New Paltz ad New Paltz

Assistant Professor, Georgia State University Angela Snyder

Angela Snyder

Assistant Professor, Georgia State University
Georgia State University