Living Ozarks: Celebrating Our Ecology and Culture in Words and Music

7:00 - 9:00 p.m., Monday, April 9, 2018
PSU Theater

Students and faculty will join in an evening of readings from the forthcoming book anthology, Living Ozarks: The Ecology and Culture of a Natural Place. Selections will highlight the region’s rich, 200-year history of nature-themed writing. The Ozarks has inspired an equally rich, 150-year history of music, much of it nature-themed, for piano and voice. Under the direction of Music Professor Ann Marie Daehn, students will perform pieces by Rose O’Neill, Will James, James Fahy, and other talented Ozarkians. Since most of this music has not been heard for a half-century or more, the evening’s performance will serve as a 21st century premiere. Shun-Yeen Hoi, Chase Phillips, and Faith Morgan are featured musicians.  Books will be available for purchase and contributing authors on hand to sign copies. 


  • Ozarks Studies Institute, an initiative of MSU's Libraries