The social aspect of educational technology: Enhancing inequities or building bridges?

1:30 - 2:45 p.m., Thursday, October 3, 2019
PSU Ballroom East

Schools are increasingly adopting and integrating technology in the classroom to adapt to the changing educational and cultural landscapes. Textbooks are transitioning to online formats, and curriculum is emphasizing technology more and more. What do these changes mean for the social and psychological development of the next generation of students? What policies are needed to ensure students from diverse backgrounds are not left behind in the surge to implement the latest technology? Are the advancements in technology bridging the achievement gap for our students, or are they widening the socioeconomic disparities more than ever?


Director of Development and PR Courtney Durham

Courtney Durham

Director of Development and PR
Hawthorn, Hill & Bidwell

Director of Curriculum and Instruction Stacey Gonzales

Stacey Gonzales

Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Con High School District 230, Orland Park, IL

Principal William Powers

William Powers

Kickapoo High School

Professor of Educational Psychology and Human Development Aaron Richmond

Aaron Richmond

Professor of Educational Psychology and Human Development
Metropolitan State University of Denver