How to protect yourself from cyberstalking and cyberbullying

3:00 - 4:15 p.m., Thursday, October 3, 2019
PSU Ballroom West

Cyberstalking and cyberbullying are becoming all too common in the lives of many Americans, especially students. These practices are often used to silence members of our society, causing them to shy away from social interaction. Human trafficking and an increasing number of suicides in people under age 30 have been associated with these tactics. Hate speech is often directed at women who are activists, politicians and journalists simply on the basis of gender. Blackmail (doxing) is used to punish women, sometimes including ‘revenge porn’ sites. What advice and resources are available to help students and others who are targets and victims of social media bullying, cyberstalking and human trafficking?


Freelance Writer Hannah Brashers

Hannah Brashers

Freelance Writer

Emeritus Professor in the School of Journalism Robert Jensen

Robert Jensen

Emeritus Professor in the School of Journalism
The University of Texas at Austin

Assistant Dean of International Affairs Narissra Punyanunt-Carter

Narissra Punyanunt-Carter

Assistant Dean of International Affairs
Texas Tech University

Professor of Educational Psychology and Human Development Aaron Richmond

Aaron Richmond

Professor of Educational Psychology and Human Development
Metropolitan State University of Denver