Life, liberty and the pursuit of simpler times

1:30 - 2:45 p.m., Thursday, April 6, 2017
PSU 313

Technology is an inescapable reality of our lives. But, is the impact of technology always a good thing? It is tempting to think so, but how does technology change us, for better and for worse?  Social media makes instant communication possible, but how are we equipped to face the negative quality of social media’s immediacy that speeds up our lives and makes us impatient at the same time. How can we respond when being electronically connected to others is hurtful, as when hatred and bigotry occur on social media. How do we live so that we are managing technology, rather than it managing us?


Founder, Election Reform Advocate Larry Bradley

Larry Bradley

Founder, Election Reform Advocate
The Center Strikes Back

Professor of Humanities Russell Fail

Russell Fail

Professor of Humanities
Kaplan University

Psychologist Ryan Jones

Ryan Jones


Brigadier General John Rose

John Rose

Brigadier General
U.S. Army, Retired