Faith and the environment

9:00 - 10:15 a.m., Wednesday, April 11, 2018
PSU Ballroom East

How does religious teaching inform society about addressing sustainability issues around the globe? What similarities and differences exist among religious traditions in valuation of earth and its inhabitants? Often, adherents of a specific faith may not understand or follow the insights provided by its teachings. How might adherents and non-adherents alike benefit from careful consideration of, and honest conversation about, the implications of religious thought and tradition about stewardship of the Earth?


Former Chairman Grace Goodeagle

Grace Goodeagle

Former Chairman
Quapaw Tribe

Physician assistant Zafar Khan

Zafar Khan

Physician assistant
U.S. Federal Medical Center

Psychiatrist Daniel Morehead

Daniel Morehead


Graduate Student Jay Trivedi

Jay Trivedi

Graduate Student
Missouri State University