Building social capital to create a sustainable future

10:30 - 11:45 a.m., Thursday, April 12, 2018
PSU 313

Creating a more sustainable future will require people to engage and work with each other. Social capital and civic engagement continue to decrease while divisive rhetoric and distortion have seemingly flourished. Can we foster new ways of creating social capital that begin to address our nation’s social and environmental problems? How may a deeper understanding of human nature contribute to more sustainable social, political and environmental narratives? How can citizens dismantle the culture of virtual engagement that derives entertainment from breakdowns in human relationships or seeks to be offended? How may respectful dialogue and understanding be fostered?


Professor of communication Chad Edwards

Chad Edwards

Professor of communication
Western Michigan University

Founder and president Tim McCaughan

Tim McCaughan

Founder and president
The McCaughan Group

Sociologist Nels Paulson

Nels Paulson

University of Wisconsin-Stout

Artistic director Godfrey Simmons, Jr.

Godfrey Simmons, Jr.

Artistic director
Civic Ensemble