The Environmental Impact of Individual Choices

11:15 a.m. - 12:05 p.m., Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Live Zoom Event | click title for Zoom link | all times listed CDT
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Individual actions, from consumer choices to lifestyle habits, contribute to the environmental degradation of plastic pollution, deforestation, carbon emission, and food waste, posing significant challenges for sustainability. Protecting the environment requires understanding the tension between individual freedom and the broader societal imperative for environmental stewardship - between personal choices and collective responsibilities. How do cultural norms, economic incentives and social pressures impact environmental systems? How can citizens scale up and replicate approaches to sustainable lifestyles while respecting personal freedoms? How can policies and regulations incentivize sustainable consumption practices without infringing on individual liberties?

Panel Host:  Kunti D. Bentley     Q&A Moderator:  Dr. Asif Ishtiaque


Protection Director Rich Biske

Rich Biske

Protection Director
The Nature Conservancy

Professor of Geography and Native Studies Zoltán Grossman

Zoltán Grossman

Professor of Geography and Native Studies
The Evergreen State College

Geospatial Specialist Marissa Defratti Kulkarni

Marissa Defratti Kulkarni

Geospatial Specialist