The New Secular America

12:15 - 1:15 p.m., Wednesday, September 25, 2024
In-Person Only | PSU Theater

In-Person Only Event

Americans are, and have been for generations, the most religious people in the wealthy, industrial West. But with each new year, more Americans are dropping away from congregational and religious affiliation, and they’re doing it at a speed never before seen in our history. What’s happening inside American religion? Is this a blip, or just a delayed trip to where our European cousins have been for decades? A more secular America will force changes in our politics, our culture, our charitable sector, and not least…a big change in who we think we are as a people.

Ray's new book, We Are Home, will be available for purchase at the event.  Book signing to follow the presentation.


Renowned Broadcaster and Author Ray Suarez

Ray Suarez

Renowned Broadcaster and Author
Host, On Shifting Ground, NPR Veteran