
Making a Difference!

"The Academy does an amazing job of bringing inspirational speakers that really motivate everyone in the room to make a difference."

"I am only 16, but I am now positive that I can make a difference in the world."

"I've always wanted to make a difference, I just never felt like I had the tools or knowledge to do so, but the MPAA has provided me with exactly what I need."

"The best thing about the Academy was meeting like-minded peers.  It is so refreshing to meet other teenagers willing to make a difference."

"I appreciate the fact that we actually made a difference while attending the Academy."

"MPAA has opened my eyes to the fact that volunteering isn't just for 'service hours' or 'to feel good.'  It is our civic duty to get active in the community."

Changing the World!

"I came here with a limited scope of changing the world; now the whole world is in my scope."

"At the Academy, we learned how to change the world through volunteering, activism, advocacy, education, and leadership."

"Planning my For the Greater Good Project was inspiring because I got to see how one person, a regular person like me, can change their world."

"I have learned that just being aware of the world is not enough.  Action is necessary."

Overall MPAA Experience

"The single most significant learning experience of my life. I am a different person because of the MPAA."

"Meeting with a real Supreme Court judge, having a formal luncheon at the Governor’s Mansion, and being on the House floor were all incredible experiences."

"Some summer programs are all talk, but at the MPAA we 'walked the walk' by actually doing service projects in the community."

"We didn't just talk about what we could do – we went out and did it!"

"This Academy is a miracle factory. It takes regular, willing people and transforms them into inspired, eager activists-to-be."

"The For the Greater Good Project helped me understand how to be a leader in my own community."