Is traditional higher education sustainable?

9:00 - 10:15 a.m., Thursday, April 12, 2018
PSU 313

Historically, the dominant model of higher education has been to house and feed students,  sell them books and coursework, provide entertainment via sport and social events, advise them and graduate them. More recently, increasing operating costs and declining state and federal support have resulted in higher student costs. Student macro-trends indicate a demand for an instant start and a la carte course offerings and certifications. General education is regarded as excess baggage. Given rising costs, new technologies, and the suddenly different demands of contemporary clientele, how long can the old model continue? What changes – for better or worse – are likely?


Board director, Salt River Project Nick Brown

Nick Brown

Board director, Salt River Project
Salt River Project

Emeritus professor Brady Deaton

Brady Deaton

Emeritus professor
University of Missouri

Chancellor Keith Pinchback

Keith Pinchback

Phillips Community College

Assistant professor Michelle Rutty

Michelle Rutty

Assistant professor
Michigan State University