Patrick Grayshaw

Assistant Professor, Public Health
Carroll University

Dr. Grayshaw is an Assistant Professor of Public Health at Carroll University. With a passion for community engagement, research, and education, he works to help communities address their wicked problems. His expertise spans various domains. Dr. Grayshaw’s research centers around Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their profound impact on lifelong health development. His work contributes to understanding how early life experiences shape health outcomes and inform strategies for prevention and intervention. In particular, he looks at how public deliberation can be used as a community problem solving tool.

Dr. Grayshaw received his Ph.D. in Human Sciences from Oklahoma State University, a M.Ed. in Counseling and Personnel Services from the University of Maryland, and a Bachelor of Science in Human Development & Family Studies from Bowling Green State University. Prior to his current role, he worked in Student Affairs coordinating civic engagement experiences for students at Oglethorpe University and Missouri State University.

Dr. Grayshaw plays a pivotal role in coordinating the Wisconsin ACE-Interface Network, connecting professionals, researchers, and community members to promote resilience and well-being in creating trauma-informed communities.