We the People As Water Stewards

2:30 - 3:20 p.m., Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Live Zoom Event | click title for Zoom link | all times listed CDT
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According to the World Wildlife Fund, water covers 70% of our planet but only about 1% of fresh water is available for drinking, bathing and growing food. An estimated 2 billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and the population continues to grow. By 2025 two-thirds of the population may face water shortages. The National Groundwater Association reports that agriculture consumes some 57 billion gallons of groundwater daily which is 70% of the world’s accessible fresh water but wastes much of it due to inefficiency. In addition, American households use an average of 3.36 billion gallons per day (U.S. Geological Survey). How is personal usage balanced with national and global needs?  Who bears the responsibility? With wide regulation disparity among our nation-states, should intervention be enacted to normalize water reporting, policies, infrastructure and technologies? What actions are needed to ensure access and equality for all? 

Panel Host:  Kunti D. Bentley     Q&A Moderator:  Dr. Toby Dogwiler


Protection Director Rich Biske

Rich Biske

Protection Director
The Nature Conservancy

Director of Policy, Daugherty Water for Food Global Instit. Nick Brozovic

Nick Brozovic

Director of Policy, Daugherty Water for Food Global Instit.
University of Nebraska

Executive Director Roddy Rogers

Roddy Rogers

Executive Director
Southwest Missouri Water