Tourism as a Catalyst for Community Engagement

9:30 - 10:20 a.m., Thursday, September 26, 2024
Live Zoom Event | click title for Zoom link | all times listed CDT
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Throughout American history, tourists have hit the road in search of happiness and self-fulfillment. Given this individualistic heritage, how can tourism serve as a catalyst for civic engagement? Often thought of as an individual pastime, tourism also connects people to something larger than themselves. Monuments on the National Mall connect tourists to the stories and symbols of American history. Civil Rights pilgrimages remind travelers of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s quest for the beloved community. National Parks and state conservation areas model stewardship of natural resources. A catalyst for civic engagement, tourism also evokes lively debates about the tension between individual rights and communal responsibilities. Who gets to control the land? Who gets to tell the stories? How can tourism foster a sense of shared commitment while making room for personal freedoms?

Panel Host:  Amanda Stadler     Q&A Moderator:  Dr. Albert Barreda


Superintendent, Wilson's Creek National Battlefield Sarah Cunningham

Sarah Cunningham

Superintendent, Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
National Park Service

Owner Julian Jackson

Julian Jackson


Professor of Sustainable Management Willy Legrand

Willy Legrand

Professor of Sustainable Management
IU Int'l University of Applied Sciences - Germany