Teacher Education: When Classroom Neutrality is Attacked

11:00 - 11:50 a.m., Thursday, September 26, 2024
Live Zoom Event | click title for Zoom link | all times listed CDT
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It often takes years for a teacher to develop classroom neutrality skills regarding politics and other contentious issues; to learn that students are captive audiences who do not deserve to be preached to, or to be concerned their grades may be subject to their political opinions. Once a teacher nears mastering this concept of neutrality, new issues emerge.  How can and should classroom discussions allow for the free flow of ideas and opinions? In an age of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and purposeful misinformation campaigns, what protections can be implemented in the classroom from opinions with little basis in truth?  How should educators deal with upset parents when neutrality itself is viewed as an attack on a student or parent?  How is balance achieved among school boards, educators, students, parents and communities?  

Panel Host:  Dr. Lyndsey Strahan     Q&A Moderator:  Loren Broaddus 


Visual Art Department Head Elizabeth Barker

Elizabeth Barker

Visual Art Department Head
Lebanon High School

Associate Professor of English Mellisa Huffman

Mellisa Huffman

Associate Professor of English
Angelo State University

Associate Professor - Higher Education, Policy Studies David Johnson

David Johnson

Associate Professor - Higher Education, Policy Studies
Georgia State University