Freedom, Individualism, and Community in America

3:30 - 4:20 p.m., Thursday, September 26, 2024
Live Zoom Event | click title for Zoom link | all times listed CDT
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Americans have wrestled with the definitions of freedom since well before the founding of the United States. Many people have prized individualistic notions of liberty and emphasized the opportunity to live free from the interference of government or other restraints. Others have underscored the broader social context of the pursuit of happiness, noting that each of us define and seek contentment within larger communities which shapes our conceptions of prosperity and well-being. Recent events, including questions about public health, gun violence, and homeland security, remind us that these debates about what it means to be free are as salient as ever. How may the tension between individual rights and community welfare be reframed to bridge potential divides?  Can such a contest ever be resolved, or will it remain an essential part of life in a free society?

Panel Host:  Dr. Paula Patterson     Q&A Moderator:  Dr. Jeremy Neely


Senior Research Fellow Gil Barndollar

Gil Barndollar

Senior Research Fellow
Catholic University

Director, American Democracy Project Cathy Copeland

Cathy Copeland

Director, American Democracy Project
AASCU | American Association of State Colleges and

Professor Andrew C. McKevitt

Andrew C. McKevitt

Louisiana Tech University

Chair and Professor of Political Science Chapman Rackaway

Chapman Rackaway

Chair and Professor of Political Science
Radford University