Managing global climate change through mitigation and adaptation

1:30 - 2:45 p.m., Wednesday, April 11, 2018
PSU Ballroom West

Climate scientists are widely agreed about the contribution of greenhouse gas emissions to climate change. Two approaches to managing the effects of climate change are mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation addresses the human impact, e.g. alternative power systems, reducing CO2 emissions, increasing carbon sequestration. Adaptations, such as changed shipping lanes, agricultural practices and anticipation of changing patterns in the spread of disease involve strategies to deal with environmental conditions caused by climate change. Is either approach alone sustainable? What are the public and environmental costs? What are the responsibilities of individuals and nations? What tools in business and policy can be fairly employed?


Board director, Salt River Project Nick Brown

Nick Brown

Board director, Salt River Project
Salt River Project

Associate professor of rural sociology Leland Glenna

Leland Glenna

Associate professor of rural sociology
Pennsylvania State University

Eisenhower research professor of tourism policy Hannah Messerli

Hannah Messerli

Eisenhower research professor of tourism policy
George Washington University School of Business

Assistant professor Michelle Rutty

Michelle Rutty

Assistant professor
Michigan State University