Service for those who have Served: Collaborating for Veteran Support

11:00 - 11:50 a.m., Thursday, September 22, 2022
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There are 19 million veterans in the United States, one-fifth of whom are under 45 years old. While the nation shows its support for service men and women in multiple ways, the daily challenges they face can often be severe and overlooked. According to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs, current rates of PTSD among veterans may be as high as 30% - increasing the likelihood of depression, suicide, alcohol, and substance abuse. Collaborations between counseling services, educational institutions, employers, government, and other supportive nonprofits are necessary to ensure veterans’ access to housing, effective medical and mental health care, meaningful work, and other forms of reintegration into society. What social, political, and cultural barriers need to be addressed to eliminate mental health stigmas and to increase inclusion? How can service programs and resources such as service animals be better utilized for those with PTSD? What opportunities are available for the public to pay it forward to their veterans and encourage community action?

Host:  Daezia Smith     Q&A Moderator:  Dr. Lacy Sukovaty


Program Director, Veterans Upward Bound Michelle Ciesielski

Michelle Ciesielski

Program Director, Veterans Upward Bound
Ozarks Technical Community College

Director of Operations Kyle Cory-Yaeggi

Kyle Cory-Yaeggi

Director of Operations
Retrieving Freedom Inc.

CEO Michelle Poitier

Michelle Poitier

Michelle Speakz

Senior Editor Jess Rollins

Jess Rollins

Senior Editor
The Denver Post