2021-22 Honoree - Travis Schilla

Coordinator of Leadership Development and Programming
Residence Life, Housing and  Dining Services

Travis advises the Residence Hall Association and coordinates programs like the Acts of Random Kindness Week, #AllBearsCan, and Tunnel of Oppression.  Niyati Sethi, an SGA rep, met Travis her first year of college in GEP 101. Through Travis’s mentorship, she became involved in Residence Hall activities and eventually SGA.  As an international student, Niyati was the recipient of Travis’s simple gestures of kindness—a quick hello in the hallway, a listening ear, and subtle encouragement of goals.  She writes, “As Travis modeled community engagement, and gave me a space to live it out, I found my passion for working within public policy analysis, with a focus on human rights as a career.”