Dr. Mohammad Yunus
2006 Noble Peace Prize winner
Why have free markets failed so many people? How could the power of free markets be
harnessed to solve social problems of poverty, hunger, inequality and the like?
The solution, according to Professor Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank, is recognizing the fact that human beings are inherently multi-dimensional in nature and may not solely be concerned with the pursuit of maximum profit. They may also be interested in a new type of business, called social business, dedicated to solving social and environmental problems.
The idea of social business did not arise in a vacuum. It grew out of Professor Yunus’s lifelong experience on the frontlines of the battle against poverty, first in Bangladesh and later in countries around the world. Professor Yunus’s vision is to inspire young people all around the world and particularly in rich countries to make a difference by embracing the concept of social business.